Purification By Light

If you have ever felt really bogged down by negative relationships or negative events in your life, this is the right session for you. Clear up the negativity floating around you quickly and break free!

This process includes the following:

Purification by Light

Using ancient toning and holy words to create and bring a strong vortex of light into your aura to clear up any residues that you are carrying in your auric field.

Emotional Cord Cutting

Emotional cord cutting allows you to cut all negative cords you have between yourself, loved ones, and other people in your life—allowing your love cords to thrive and positive relations to form once again.

Spell Removal

‘Spells’ are negative thoughts sent to us with strong intent. Sometimes you may have been exposed to negative practices or spaces, but we also receive many negative thoughts from people in our life, such as jealousy, envy or even simply “dumping” and this can put a damper on our life. 

Session Length:
45 minutes
Cost: $175 (or $100 when done in the same session as another healing)